Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fix RUNDLL32 Error For Windows XP/Vista

Computers are one of the hardware devices which need a high priority of maintenance and fix time to time. There are always a constant checkup and routine practice needed to maintain its performance. Computer checkups and hardware updates are some of numerous routines that will ensure that your computer is able to maintain its performance despite being 3, 5 or even 10 years old!

If you are not in constant fix and update practice for your computer system over time, you will realize that your PC has got leggier and eventually you will experience the consequences of a turtle crawling PC and errors such as RUNDLL error. RUNDLL32 Errors are serious problems with Microsoft Windows.

Check out these simple steps for respective Microsoft Windows XP and Windows Vista, on how to clean up your computer the easy way and fix RUNNDLL32 error

For Windows XP:

1. Go to Start, and then click on Run.
2. In Run key in “regedit”, then click on OK.
3. Now it opens the Registry Editor.
4. You can easily navigate through the subkey if you know what you are looking for. Or, you can press “Ctrl + F” to locate the subkey that contains the value you want to edit. (F3 to Find Next)

For Windows Vista:

fix rundll32.exe

1. From Start, then type “regedit”.
2. Click on “regedit” on the search result to open the registry editor in Windows Vista.
3. Step 3 & 4 are the same as Windows XP (see above).